All rights reserved. Copyright 2024 by Doug Allen. Toyetic logo designed by Doug Allen.


All rights reserved. Toyetic logo, concept and pitch book copyright 2024 by Doug Allen.

TOYETIC was a show I developed in 2002 to express my love of toys. The original concept was meant to be an exploration of how the sale of ancillary products - everything from dolls to video games to bedspreads - influenced how a film or television show as developed, and also whether the ancillary revenue potential would determine whether a project was made at all. The initial focus was to be on how the ancillary merchandise for legendary entertainment properties have fared long after the film or TV show’s initial release, and introduce the audience to the artists that created the characters that populate their favorite entertainment universes.

Although the show was never produced, the appeal of film related merchandise has not diminished in the following years. Since the Pandemic, it appears that people have an insatiable appetite for nostalgia, and this show would be comfort food for people seeking the normalcy of an earlier time.



